“Jessie Ware – Say You Love Me” to emocjonalna ballada z albumu “Tough Love (Deluxe)”. W utworze artystka wyraża pragnienie prawdziwej miłości i potrzebę szczerych słów.
Wykonanie Jessie Ware wyróżnia się głębokim, poruszającym wokalem, który idealnie oddaje intensywność emocji zawartych w tekście. “Say You Love Me” to wyzwanie skierowane do ukochanej osoby, aby wyraziła uczucia bezpośrednio i bezwarunkowo.
Album “Tough Love (Deluxe)” to kolekcja utworów, w których Jessie Ware eksploruje różne aspekty miłości i relacji. “Say You Love Me” stanowi jedno z najbardziej wzruszających i osobistych dzieł na tej płycie.
Tekst Utworu „Jessie Ware – Say You Love Me”
Say you love me to my face
I need it more than your embrace
Just say you want me, that’s all it takes
Heart’s getting torn from your mistakes
‘Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If you don’t wanna try
But all that I’ve been thinking of
Is maybe that you might
And babe, it looks as though we’re running out of words to say
And love’s floating away
Just say you love me, just for today
And don’t give me time ’cause that’s not the same
Want to feel burning flames when you say my name
Want to feel passion flow into my bones
Like blood through my veins
‘Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If you don’t wanna try
But all that I’ve been thinking of
Is maybe that you might
And babe, it looks as though we’re running out of words to say
And love’s floating away
Won’t you stay
Won’t you stay
Slowly, slowly you run for me
But do you know me at all
Someone told me love controls everything
But only if you know
‘Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
(No-no-no-no, no-no)
If you don’t wanna try
(Could you try sometime?)
‘Cause all that I’ve been thinking of
(I just think)
Is maybe that you might
(You might)
‘Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If you don’t wanna try
But all that I’ve been thinking of
Is maybe that you might
And babe, it looks as though we’re running out of words to say
And love’s floating away
Won’t you stay?
Won’t you stay?
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